Nutritional Quality unique
If our products are good, it is because we choose ingredients that are barely processed, close to their natural state, rich in taste and nutrients.

Products full of quality
The challenge we want to meet? Choosing ingredients with high nutritional qualities to provide you with the nutrients your body needs.
For each of our products, we prefer whole grains for their fibre intake, unrefined sugars and oils with good numbers regarding fatty acids.

Reduced salt and sugar levels
Because both are often already too present in our diet, we wanted to reduce the added amounts and find the right balance between flavor and nutrition. Large program!
The main products involved? For sugar, it is the breakfast cereals, dairy alternatives and biscuits. For salt, cereal breads and cakes and ready to eat meals. Thus, in order to keep all these products as good as ever, we have completely revised our recipes with a very specific goal: reworking their sugar and salt contents, while making sure to keep all their flavors… That’s the challenge we’ve decided to take on!
Recipes that change!
Since 2016
already more than 40 recipes have been reworked on, with great results: more than250

Limit the additives but not only that!
For us, respecting the ingredients also means preserving their appearance, their nature and their taste. Accepting them as they are actually!
That’s why we strive to limit the use of additives, with even higher requirements than the official Organic standards. We prohibited the used of 11 additional additives.

Palm oil is out!
Since 2019 all of our products have been guaranteed100%
without palm oil. The idea? Prefering fats that have convinced us for their nutritional qualities and of course, preserving nature. As a result, we have completely removed palm oil from all our products.